Monday, January 20, 2020

MY Top Ten Films Of 2019: Numbers 4-3 And 2

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Number one is getting closer so here we go!!!!!!!!!!!


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I will get into the controversy about the editing of this film and the switch or breaking the 4th wall at the end in a bit..
I do not have to explain the plot for sure, but if you do not know this film follows the March girls and their lives. I am a fan of the story, in fact I am one of the rare people who liked the 2018 modern version.
This film is pushed forward by Fantastic performances!!!!
Emma Watson as Meg
Florence Pugh as Amy
Eliza Scanlan as Beth
Laura Dern as Marmee (Mom), is Laura Dern one of the most underrated actresses?
Timothee Chalamet as Theodore Laurie Laurence (I think he over acts but I know many like him)
Chris Cooper as Mr Laurence, in a very nice soft role

The highlight is definitely Saoirse Ronan as Jo. Saoirse, as in most of her films, is the highlight. She attacks this role and is perfect as Jo.

I am a big fan of director of Greta Gerwig as a director and an actor. She took this classic Alcott story made it sort of modern yet not losing the place and time. What helped is the look, this film is beautiful. With help I am sure from her Cinematographer Yorick Le Saux every shot is beautiful and gorgeous looking.
Then throw in the help she got from Costume Designer Jacqueline Durran, every outfit is so perfect and somehow each characters clothing matches his or her personality without losing the time period. All wrapped up in a bow the film looks great!

Now for the controversy:
Gerwig decided to change this version up and tell the story bouncing between timelines, a seven year span, which has us, the viewer, thinking often..."Wait where are we in time now? Where is Amy?". It can be confusing. I, like many, am not sure if I liked this decision much. I understand she wanted to separate her story from other versions of the story....still it is confusing. It also messes with the feel of the story, or the flow. You are asking the short attention span phone looking public to pay close attention, I do not think she is asking to much.
Also, the other issue, or the big one of fans of Little Women did not like (But fans of Alcott did):
The little twist at the end, with Jo having to add that her...I guess herself... getting married was added to get the book published kind of messes with the tone of the ending. I understand Gerwig wanted to add a more modern twist. However I think her point is false...I think she is saying, unintentionally, if Jo gets married she cannot be an independent woman. Now I know it is time and place but if you are going modern slant with strong independent woman are you saying because she is married she is no longer "Jo"? MMMM? Jo when married can still be the same Jo. At the same time she is intentionally giving a wink to Alcott who wanted the book to be true but was over ruled. With that being done I think she should have titled the film Lousia May Alcott And The Little Women and that would have quieted down everything. Still...I go back to Gerwig taking chances and separating her film from others, with that I applaud. Also I noticed in both screenings of the film I saw, people would gather out in the lobby and talk about the film, I guess that is what you want in the end, a discussion.

All that being noted, do not shy away, this is a do not miss. It is a great story, well acted, and just beautiful on the screen.

Little Women is still in theaters.

My Number 4 Favorite Film Of The Year LITTLE WOMEN!!


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This film is the one on my list that has stayed in my top ten the longest. I saw this in the theater way back in March and it stuck with me.
This film is about the terrorist attack at The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in 2009.

It is intense to the point of exhaustion, and I was not even there. I cant imagine what these people went through. Well, I kind of can, I see it there on the screen. It is a story of survival and bravery of the guest; and staff, who decided to stay in the face of the danger in the hotel to protect the guest. There was a point while watching this film on the edge of my seat I looked at my phone and realized we have an hour to go still. That depressed me! It was just frightening to watch.
I take away from this film how kind the people were in The Taj. How they really were not prepared or knew what to do in the face of this evil.
As for the performances:
I was thinking after watching this, has Dev Patel ever gave a bad performance??!! I mean Slumdog; Lion; The Wedding Guest and Marigold Hotel, just as examples. Here he is wonderful once again as Arjun a worker at the Taj.
Here is the list:
Nazanin Boniada
Armie Hammer
Jason Isaacs
And maybe the greatest actor coming out of India Anupam Kher.
Everyone...everyone gives an outstanding performance!

Critics put down this film because it is excessive violence.
The is brutal. You wonder sometimes is it pandering to the violence in the hotel as we are watching. This is no White House Down film, this happened. I always say does real violence watched create violence. Is there too much? Not here! This is real! This is what can happen. This is terrorism! This is what it looks like! This was done by just, I am thinking, maybe 5 people and one mastermind on the outside. Just that few number of people! You can criticize it all you want. This is what happened and it should be watched, because its a lesson of how few people can cause such pain and anarchy to so many people.
Also, it is a very good movie. Real heroes, the ones who survived and the ones who did not make it. Because of the heroes this film should be watched.

Hotel Mumbai is available for home viewing.

My Number 3 Favorite Film Of 2019 Is Hotel Mumbai.


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A young boy, JoJo (Roman Griffin Davis), has dreams of being a big part of Hitlers army...with help from his imaginary friend Adolph. Well things change when he finds his mother Rosie (Scarlett Johannson)  has secrets.

A polarizing movie for sure. I think you either get it or don't. I got it. It makes fun of the stupidity of Nazis and the place and time of the idiotic references to the Jewish community. It is satire for sure...with an anti-hate message. Finishing the film with Hero song in German of course, a hero can be a small little boy with scars on his face. Director Watiti took a chance here with this awkward story and it oddly works.

The positives in this film were the performances and the quick writing:
 What will shock you is that the trailer is deceiving. It comes across as a straight comedy in the trailer but, that is maybe the first 10 minutes. Then things change quick and it became a story of two people from two different worlds learning to get along and survive (At the same time it is odd with British accents often).
I wanted to highlight the wonderful performances:
Roman Griffin Davis is wonderful here carrying the film on his small shoulders.
Thomasin McKenzie as Elsa is great. I said when I saw her in Leave No Trace that she is a star...well I rest my case.
Scarlett Johannson plays a soft quiet role here as JoJo's mom...with secrets.
Sam Rockwell (Captain Klenzendorf); Rebel Wilson (Fraulein Rahm); and Taika Waititi (Adolf) all add often hilarious moments to the film.

I had one negative and that is I wish we would have jumped in time 10 years or so and see what became of two of the characters in the end.

I know this film may not work in today's world of everyone is a victim; and everyone has hurt feelings, as for me, I get this story and surprisingly it is kind of sweet.
A well earned Oscar Nomination for sure!!
It is a smart and clever film mixing in satire...heartbreak...and love.

JoJo Rabbit is being re-released into theaters during Oscar time.

My Number 2 Favorite Film Of 2019 JOJO RABBIT

Only one more to go!!!!!!!!!!!!

From the sdhadows as always thanks for your time.

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