Friday, January 3, 2020

My Top Ten Worst Films Of 2019: Numbers 4-3-2

Image result for godzilla 2019


Oh Boy
What a mess.
Green screen work was just behind a mist or smoke.
They kept stopping the movie to explain to us what was going on, and even the explanation was convoluted. Almost like they rewrote the film while filming to try to explain this mess.
Oh and where are the people?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!
Without people you never get a sense of dread, there is no sense of danger, except maybe the leads who are constantly doing stupid things.

Okay I got to stop......................


Image result for happy death day 2

Happy Death Day 2U

Oh boy one of the biggest disappointments of the year.
I mean Happy Death Day, back in 2017 was one of  my biggest surprises.
Here was my review for that film:

Now the baby face is back in this messy movie.
It involved the same premise as the last film, the same day over and over with each day ending in a murder.
Soooo many things went wrong....
-The cast is way to old...I can clearly tell, then I looked it up, the lead...Jessica Roth (though very good again) is in her 30's playing this college student. Same for all the other actors.
-The plot adds time travel to the script and it was confusing, and to be honest it was boring.
-Speaking of the script, the small plots were all over the place, with many holes that made no sense, making the 100 minute movie feel 3 hours long.

Don't bother with this one....even if you liked the first one.


Image result for cats 2019

I know...a late comer to the list!! What film did it knock out of the 10? I will never tell!!

Let's be honest, I mean the story is strange and kinda creepy and odd.
The Jellicles, at the Jellicle Ball must decide which cat will...I guess float to the sky and live a new life. In other words least I think.
So now we come to Cats The Movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It all starts with the director Tom Cooper and his vision....
-The close ups!! This is a Broadway Musical on the big screen. There is a lot going on. It is big, but he constantly decided during all the songs to use close ups where we can not see the big vision. He wanted to show us the stars face constantly, almost to say "Hey look who is in this film". It was awkward for sure.
-The bad CGI on the cats. It was distracting. It felt like the cats bodies were ever changing in a strange creepy way. Speaking of which..........
-How tall or big were these cats??!! Some sets which were buildings all the same sizes, the cats were real small and sometimes real big, I was so confused.
-People out there are saying Jennifer Hudson as Grizabella singing Moonlight is the best thing. I disagree!! Moonlight is never suppose to be is a sad song to feel the pain and longing it should not be shouted!! And why is snot coming out of her nose?!!
-More confusion. If some cats are wearing pants, are the other cats naked?
-The sets. It is a Broadway Musical!! Why did Tom Cooper decide not to use real sets?!! Why green screens? Why make it more complicated then it should be? The sets never had the feel of a real place. Then it goes back big are these cats against the green screen of fake buildings?
-Idris Elba.What are you doing???!! No explanation needed.
-The false advertising that Taylor Swift stars in this. No she is in it for 5 minutes and just barely. Then throw in...she is awkward and awful.

I will stop. I watched this and thought...1- It should not have been made. It is not that great of a story and it is kind of creepy and strange. 2-While it was being made I think it got out of hand, and maybe while Cooper tried to fix it, it got worse. Just a guess. It is just sloppy. Then they decide to put out a new version cleaned up a week after the release!!! What?

One more to go!!! Hints? You may have never heard of it. However it has a biiiig star in it. Way back in the spring when I did the review I said this is the early front runner for worst of the year...I was right.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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