Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesday!! Yay Or Nay Trailers!!!! With New Nancy Myers And Woody Allen Films!!

On Wednesday I judge movies Yay or Nay just by watching the trailers. Watch and play along!!

Release date September 25 2015

The title may confuse people with the film The Internship with Vaughn and Wilson, they probably should have changed the title. As for the Trailer, it looks funny and cute. Not going to win awards but it looks fun, and it is Nancy Myers who is never critic friendly but audience friendly. My only worry is I feel like I saw the whole story in the trailer. Still it does not stop me from going YAY!!

Release October 9th 2015

Boy...I think it is a prequel. I like Rooney Mara a lot in fact she is getting early positive buzz for
Carol that previewed at Cannes last week. Other than that...not sure here. It looks like it could be to scary for little ones and it seems...well messy. I lean toward NAY.

Release July 17 2015

Wow it looks like Joaquin Phoenix is really miscast in this!! Wait a minute is that Parker Posey and Emma Stone??!! I am in!! YAY!!

From The Shadows!!! As always thanks for your time.

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