Tuesday, May 12, 2015

New Release On DVD/BluRay/Streaming This Week:Still Alice

Image result for still alice

Direction and Screenplay by Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland
Based on the novel by Lisa Genova
Starring Julianne Moore; Kristen Stewart; Alec Baldwin; and Kate Bosworth

A linguistics professor (Moore) and her family unravel and become a bit tighter as they are tested after she is diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease.

I am not going to lie to you, this film is difficult to watch. It is too real. I have seen this in real life and the film is spot on. You see how the Dementia slowly takes away the memories of this brilliant woman's mind, and how she is aware of this and tries to compensate. You see how the family struggles with their new mom/wife, first arguing with her, then kindness and adjustments.
It is a really good film. Moore won the Oscar for this performance, which is well deserved. Stewart should have received an nomination, as the daughter who beats to her own drum, but becomes closer to her mother as days go by with the disease. Baldwin is perfect as the husband who at first is confused by how this brilliant woman is forgetting her way home and then understanding what his new role is as a husband.
It is a terrible disease. There is one point in this film where Alice almost "accidently" overdoses and sadly, and I feel bad noting this, I was watching and hoping she does so. I know what her future will be like. I want her to have peace.
4 out of 5 stars for Still Alice. I know it is a hard watch but I still highly recommend it. All the actors in the film are wonderful.
So now I get on my bandwagon...please click the link here and support or even click around and learn all you can......http://mybrain.alz.org/

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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