Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wednesday YAY OR NAY Trailers including Bond James Bond

Wednesdays I take three trailers and judge the film Yay or Nay just by reviewing the trailer.

Release date November 6 2015

Well it does not give us too much of a plot. However it shows us Christoph Waltz as the bad guy, he makes a great bad guy!. And we see the fantastic and beautiful Italian actress Monica Belluci is somehow involved. Ralph Fiennes is back as M and Ben Whishaw is back as Q. It will be hard to match Skyfall but this cast could give it a run. YAY!

June 3 2015

Entourage was a really good show when it started, then it got stuck in a rut, with the same plot over and over. Piss off Ari. Lose money. Make money. They are a success. Then it starts over. Now it looks like this plot is the same thing. It is feels old, and the actors are getting to old to behave this way and it seems pathetic. NAY!

Release date June 19th

Wow. this looks like it may be too over the top. Play date from hell maybe.
I like Adam Scott and Taylor Schilling, and they look like a believable couple. Adam Schwartzman can be too much sometimes, he reminds me of Joaquin Phoenix a little bit, in which he is hit or miss, sometime going way to far over the top. All that being said, the movie looks so different at least it has me intrigeued so a slight YAY!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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