Wednesday, May 6, 2015

It's Wednesday....Yay Or Nay Trailers!!!

It is Wednesday and Yay Or Nay Trailers are back!! I judge the film just by watching the trailer so play along!

Release date May 15

The trailer had funny parts in it, however I get a gut feeling that may be all the funny parts. I mean it is listed as a drama, and it seems like the subject is dealing with getting older. I am okay with a drama, and I really like Sam Elliott. I am leaning toward......YAY!!!!!

Release Date May 22

Oh no they did not!! After what happened to the cast in the last Poltergeist movie!! As a parent of a child actor I do not know if I would let my child be in this film. The first film was jinxed (at least I think), I would not play with fire. Even after watching the trailer, which did not change my mind....NAY!!!

No release date

Wow...just from the seems like Rosamund Pike is still playing Amazing Amy in Gone Girl!! Still the trailer looks like a good thriller with a bit of a creep factor. YAY!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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