Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Film Revisit!! 40 Years Ago This Week We Were Introduced To Monty Python And The Holy Grail!!

Image result for monty python and the holy grail

Yes 40 years ago this week we were introduced to the Knights Who Say Ni!!!

So here are my fun and not so fun facts on the quest for the Holy Grail!!!

-Michael Palin played the most parts in the film:
1-The First Swallow Savvy Guard
3-Right Head
4-Sir Galahad The Pure
5-King Of Swamp Castle
6-Brother Maynard's Brother
7-Leader Of The Knights Who Say Ni
8-Peasant 2
He was also the Narrator

-Money from Pink Floyds Dark Side Of The Moon went to funding the film. The band loved Monty Python.

-In the script the knights were going to find the Grail at Harrods Department Store but it was never filmed.

-The Black Knight was first played by John Cleese, but when Arthur cuts off the first leg a real one-legged actor (a local silversmith) was used. A marionette was used to film the shot of the second leg being cut off.

-The famous depiction of galloping horses by using coconut shells came about from the simple reason they couldn't afford real horses.

-In the Killer Rabbit scene, a real white rabbit was used. He was dyed with what was assumed to be a washable red coloring liquid in the shots after the battle. When filming wrapped the rabbit's owner was dismayed to learn the dye could not be rinsed off.  The cast desperately attempted to clean the rabbit before the owner found out, an unsuccessful attempt. Otherwise the rabbit himself was unharmed. The rabbit-bite effects were done with puppets using  Terry Gilliam and special effects.

So yes 40 years ago this week the quest was started. Look for it on BluRay for the DVD version seems to be dated and grainy. The BluRay version is available on Netflix.

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