Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday New Release On BluRay/DVD/Streaming...And Some Questions Answered

Only one release this week of note so I will take some time to answer some questions this week.

Q:Steve in Minnesota asked me my first name because he thinks he knows me from my writing style.
A:Thanks for the email Steve. My name is Scott. Based out of Pennsylvania. Writing style made me laugh, I have no style:)!! I just write like I speak and it most likely it is grammatically incorrect but I do the best with the brain I was given. Maybe Steve Martin can help me with a new brain.

Q: Phil in Vancouver asked how I get to see some movies early because I seem like a small time blogger with no ads.
A: Phil...I am not small I am 6'3!!!! I do think about ads, maybe in the future,...but it was not why I started this blog. I started this just because I started to think the film reviewers were becoming sheep and just agreeing with each others so they do not look stupid to their peers. I just thought...the common person just wants to be entertained/or learn something...and the common person wants to know should I spend my hard earned money on this or wait for home release. Well back to your question...I get early looks because I know people who know people and if I told you I would have to.........well you know.

Well I answered a couple questions and hope to do this again in the future on slow release weeks.
Again, only one release of note this week:

Directed by: Erik Van Looy
Screenplay: Bart De Pauw and Wesley Strick
Starring: James Marsden; Karl Urban; and Wentworth Miller

Five guys secretly share a penthouse loft in the city--a place where they can carry out hidden affairs. But the loft becomes a nightmare when they discover the dead body of an unknown woman in the loft, and they realize one of the group must be involved.

Well acted movie (the only one I really knew was Marsden), it comes off as a stage play a little bit. The film is intriguing as a mystery, and if you think about it, when is the last time you have watched a real good mystery on the big screen??!! Well sadly, this is one is just okay. We see most of the film in flashback scenes looking at each of the loft "Participants" and how they carried out their days leading up to the mess they are in. To me, the big problem here is, there is no one good. There is no one to grab on to. So I really did not care who did it just so they solve the mystery, and because of that, it felt long, I just wanted it to end I did not like anyone. They are all doing things that are not "for good". It just so happens that one maybe a "psychopath"!

2 1/2 out of 5 stars for the loft. Just an okay film. May be worth a look at home.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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