Friday, May 8, 2015

Film Review: Hot Pursuit

Image result for hot pursuit 2015 poster

Hot Pursuit
Directed by Anne Fletcher
Screenplay by David Feeney and John Quaintance
Starring: Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara

An uptight police woman (Witherspoon) tries to protect the widow of a drug informant as they race through Texas pursued by many a bad guy.

I have not watched a good comedy in the theatre for a long time. Sadly...this film is not one.
So much went wrong here. Bad jokes. Bad plot twists that are just ridiculous. A grating Sofia Vergara. I am wondering if Sofia Vergara is a one act actress. Playing the same part over and over again. And if that is true her one act is getting old, it is not funny anymore. Reese Witherspoon, at one point she dresses as a boy. This is not funny and it almost feels cringe worthy. I could go on and on giving you scenes that were suppose to be funny and just fall flat. This is a mess.
The strange thing is the funniest moment did not come from the leading ladies it came from Jim Gaffigan as a righteous farmer.
During the credits they show us outtakes from this film. The outtakes show many laughs between the two leads, sadly it seems they had more fun making the film then I did watching it. 1 1/2 star out of 5 for Hot Pursuit.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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