Wednesday, October 4, 2017

New Film Review: Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Image result for the kingsman the golden circle

Directed by Matthew Vaughn
Screenplay by Jane Goldman and Matthew Vaughn
Based on the books by Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons
Starring Taron Egerton; Mark Strong; Julianna Moore; Colin Firth; Channing Tatum; Elton John; and Jeff Bridges

So.........................The Kingsman return. The first one surprised me. I was pleasantly surprised.
Here again......the whole idea is just works, in a James Bond...Tarantino...Austin Powers kind of way.
This loose plot revolves around a poisonous drug and an antidote.

-Julianna Moore as Poppy is fantastic. Just plain evil and goofy. This film does not work without a good bad guy/woman. You love her and hate her all at the same time.
-From the lead Egerton, who is back as Eggsy, too Firth back as Arthur; too new additions like Berry and Tatum, everybody is all in on this strange goofy action film. That is what makes it work and their comic timing is spot on.
-And the there is Elton spoilers here.....but he is sooooo in to this film he steals the it away form the other actor.

Negatives? Yes there is...
-The tone is a bit goofy which makes the film seem choppy. One minute you see Poppy being funny yet evil and then she is turning a former henchman into hamburger. Yes you read that right.
You are all into the action and then odd things like that break it up and makes it seem like a comedy when you are watching an action thriller.  I guess it would not be that bad if it was not 2 hours and 15 minutes long. I love the fun, the goofiness, but at some point you have to cut the crap and get down to business. Tarantino is the master...his films add humor but the story does not stop for strays on track masterfully. Here it struggles a bit. Editing is needed.
-Politics. I worry. I hate politics bleeding into my shows I watch... my sports. I hope they do not bleed too much into my films. I look as entertainment like it did in an escape from life or in the world. I hope this is not a spoiler but when the president becomes the bad person unnecessarily written into the script it bothers me. Or a film highlighting heroes in Britain and then makes fun of the american heartland and our government...makes me...nervous for the future of entertainment in film. And before I get off my soapbox...I would stand with my government no matter what side of the aisle you sit...rather a government who has a foe leader in king and queen. Just saying.

Well.....judge for yourself...this fun goofy film get 3 1/2 out of 5 stars. It is fun action.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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