Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Reviews Of New Releases For Home Viewing

Image result for the personal shopper movie

Two films to touch on this week for home viewing. One is just plain interesting, and the other one I could not stand.

Directed by Olivier Assayas
Screenplay by Olivier Assayas
Starring Kristen Stewart

This is the second film that Assaya and Stewart have made together. They just came of Clouds Of Sils Maria. Clouds had this strange mystical feel about it, and so does this film.
This film follows Maureen (Stewart) in France as she is a personal shopper for a star. At the same time we find she is still in France waiting for a sign from her twin brother who passed away. Her brother has told her if he dies first he will give her a sign.

If you follow my blog here you know I am a huuuuge Stewart fan. I think she is making great choices with her films. Also she is taking many chances with odd roles.
She is absolutely fantastic in this movie. She is in every scene, often playing off no one.

I just do not know if I liked the script. I just feel, like there are two story lines clashing with each other. If they cut out maybe the story of the brother I think it would be a cleaner story. I really enjoyed just following her as a personal shopper and the story of intrigue that went with it (No Spoilers). Plus I did not like the odd mystical sudden ending.

Still....for an odd film it kind of sticks with you. That may be because of Stewart's performance.
3 stars out of 5 for Personal Shopper.

Image result for war for the planet of the apes

War For The Planet Of The Apes
Directed by Matt Reeves
Screenplay by Mark Bomback and Matt Reeves
Based On The book by Pierre Boulle
Starring Woody Harrelson; Amiah Miller; and a bunch of stinking apes

Well....Critics love this movie. I have to tell you I detested this film. I even waited to do this review ....giving myself space to think if I am being fair. Well I gave this film space...I still detested it.
-Films like this...action films...social films...I need a hero...someone to cheer for. There is no one to cheer for here. You have apes killing soldiers laying on the ground. You have soldiers killing ape babies. They even tried to touch our heart strings with them saving a young girl, Nova...played wonderfully by a Amiah Miller. However....the apes killed her father!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is their fault she is alone!!!!!!!
Yes the film looks good and the apes look freakishly real...that saves it from being my worst movie of the year so far. And it has Woody Harrelson...that helps.
1 1/2 stars out of 5 ...I hate this movie.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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