Friday, October 6, 2017

New Film Review The Mountain Between Us

Image result for mountains between us

Directed by Haney Abu-Assad
Screenplay by J. Mills Goodloe and Chris Weitz
Based on the book by Charles Martin
Starring Kate Winslet and Idris Elba

Well.......the trailer tells you the story so I do not have to give you the plot.
I do know some critics are ripping it for being corny. I am opened minded enough to know why you go see this film. For an adventure. For a little Romance. Now you put your money down...did it deliver? Yes it did. However..............well lets get to it..........

The good:
-Kate Winslet and Idris Elba. Period. They are always good.
-Raleigh and Austin played Dog. Dog was cute (Yes the name was Dog).
-The look of this movie was fantastic. Be it the harrowing crash, too the beautiful mountains, the film plops us right down into the middle of it all. You can almost feel the cold coming off the screen.

The negative:
-The line. You know the line? The line of when you think...okay you went to far with the corny story. This film may have crossed the line. Now do not get me wrong I am one to get sucked into the Hallmark Channel movies like a lot of people. However some decisions here had me roll my eyes.
I will just say an episode of running back through the snow screaming the others name. And the ending was like..UGH.

Now I don't want you to think I did not like this story. I kind of did. It was exciting. It had some sweetness to it. It just went a bit over the top. It delivers, somewhat,  so I will go with 3 out of 5 stars for The Mountain Between Us. Hallmark with two great actors. It is worth a trip to the cinema.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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