Thursday, October 5, 2017

New Film Review American Made

Image result for american made

Director Doug Liman
Screenplay by Gary Spinelli
Starring Tom Cruise; Domhnall Gleeson; and Sarah Wright

It is hard to even describe the plot. Here I go...Tom Cruise plays Barry Seal who is a pilot that gets hired by the CIA to take pictures of communist activity in South America. Then somehow he becomes a drug runner and then somehow is becomes a main cog in the Iran-Contra Affairs. It sounds far fetched but it is true. Yes I am sure they added some humor or levity but it is true.
As for the all worked. It was edge of your seat fun. I don't know how many times I almost said out loud "Dude Walk Away" !!! That shows I was so in to this film. Oddly Seal is smart enough to pull all this off but not smart enough to hide.
It all starts with Cruise. Coming off the rather disappointing Mummy, he shows Hollywood over and over again he is still gold, never count him out. Yes you have really good small parts here in the film by Gleeson and Wright, but make no mistake this is all Cruise.
As for the story by Spinelli can come across as confusing. Often you get lost at where Seal is and what is he doing this time, the director Doug Liman made a good decision of letting Seal give us a little play by play in a flash back form, and as you see in the trailer...things do get kinda crazy.
Are there any negatives?
-I would have liked to see more of Domhnall Gleeson as Monty. I get a feeling they left his angle, not the government's angle, but his angle on the cutting room floor. I wanted more of the CIA side. They had to know Seal was doing illegal stuff. He was not invisible.
-Which brings me to the ending which seemed rushed, and I wanted more...on how the CIA covered up the mess. Or public will never know.

4 stars out of 5 for American Made. It is freaking true!!! It is crazy!!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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