Saturday, October 14, 2017

New Film Review: The Foreigner

Image result for the foreigner

Directed by Martin Campbell
Screenplay by David Marconi
Based on the book by Stephen Leather
Starring Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan

It is funny how this film is marketed. Jackie Chan is everywhere. However this film is more Pierce Brosnan. Jackie Chan pops in and out as he lays low. I would bet Brosnan is in the film more and has more lines.
Let me get to the review. As you see in the trailer, Chan plays Fan, he wants revenge for an attack on his daughter by some IRA faction. Bronson is an official government something-something, who happens to be a former member of the IRA. Is he involved? Is he a good guy or bad guy?

This film has a lot going for it....
-The script is smart, it takes its time, and kind of makes sense. It also delivers plenty of action that Chan fans buy their tickets to see. Also important the action falls in line with the storyline, it does not break up the many facets of the mystery within the storyline.
-Brosnan and Chan are wonderful. It is nice to see Chan back; and it is a shame this film is not Oscar bait, because Bronsan gives an Oscar nominated worthy performance, he is that good.

-Some of  the fight scenes seen a little old fashion, where the bad guys take turns to fight Chan instead of all coming at once which would make sense.
-I do not get political, but I question the timing of this film. The last week of September there was 212 incidents of gun violence in film that week. 108 of them used automatic weapons. That was the last week of September. Now we are in the beginning of October, in the shadow of Vegas, and here we are again with automatic weapons.
Hollywood stars are hypocritical here. If automatic weapons were not in this film would it change things? Probably not, but it would not hurt. It takes away the "norm" if that makes sense. So the finger can point back at them also. I cringed at the automatic weapons in this film. It was uncomfortable. So what I am saying is that Hollywood actors, who have pull, should shut-up and maybe push back on this. Yes I get it people like their action. However can you have the action without the automatic weapons?

Still I am not a political blogger, I am a movie blogger and this film, The Foreigner, gets 4 out of 5 stars. It is well written with two really good performances. Well worth a trip to the is fun.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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