Sunday, October 8, 2017

New Film Review: The Battle Of The Sexes

Image result for battle of the sexes

Directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Fayyon
Screenplay Simon Beaufoy
Starring Emma Stone and Steve Carell

The time is 1973, the women's tennis association is fighting for respect and better pay. It does not help that Bobby Riggs is spouting off that, even at 55, he can beat any female player. Then comes Billy Jean King.
This is a near perfect film. It puts you right into that place and time, leading up to the match...during the match...and after the match. What you saw during the match is clearly only half the story;
Billy Jean King played wonderfully in maybe a back to back Oscar winning performance by Emma Stone, is in the spotlight most of the time. You feel for her. The pressure of fighting for women's equal pay, being married and questioning her sexuality, then the unwanted spotlight of the match. There is a sadness about her least at this time of her life...being stoic but being vulnerable also. Emma Stone...enough said!!
Then you have Bobby Riggs. The opposite of Billy Jean. He is a Carnival-Barker. A show man. A degenerate gambler. A man who obviously is struggling with growing old. He is before his time, a self promoter before the internet. He found a way to use the television/industry to promote himself, and they fall for it. Steve Carell is the real deal here. You see in the trailer him being over the top, but there are a couple moments, when you see Bobby/Carell being quiet and you see there is much more to him. Carell is fantastic in a part that many people will not like. However as I watch this I really think it was a show, he was a showman. Point...Riggs and King stayed close friends.

As for the script...well done by Beaufoy. I approached this a little weary of it. It was getting good reviews, but I had a fear that critics were giving the film good reviews for fear of being called sexist or antigay...(aka Moonlight the fear of being racist when reality it was just an above average film, well acted but the script was snoozer after the first act). My fears were laid to rest quickly, sucks you in right away and for two hours you are all in (No Spoilers). You laugh often. You cheer. You feel for King. You hold your breath during the match and you already know who won!!! The script is that good.

Negatives? Hard to find. I loved both Riggs and King so much I wanted more of the days after the match. You will to. They are so interesting in that place and time. I question the authenticity of some lines after the match...a little corny almost like they were written in retrospect.

One last note: Elisabeth Shue !!!! Yes that Elisabeth Shue!! Where have you been???!!! I wanted more!!!

4 1/2 out of 5 for Battle Of The Sexes. Trust me is really entertaining. Why not 5?? I cannot stand Sara Silverman. Hey I am allowed to not like an actor.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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