Sunday, October 22, 2017

New Film Review: Only The Brave

Image result for only the brave

Directed Joesph Kosinski
Screenplay Sean Flynn; Ken Nolan; and Eric Warren
Starring Josh Brolin; Miles Teller; Jeff Bridges; and Jennifer Connelly

No explanation needed. The trailer says it all. The heroes that are The Granite Mountain Hot Shots.
You know going in it will not end well. Still it is oddly uplifting.

It does a lot right:
- Kosinski takes his time with developing the characters. He makes sure it is not about the is about celebrating their lives. The story is really hold your breath intense and at times oddly soft and it works.
-Casting helps...
.......Josh Brolin. he smiles in this film playing Eric Marsh. Yes he smiles!!!! I cannot think of many movies where he smiles. In fact for a character who is doing rough..harsh work, he is rather soft with moments of bad temper. I am not saying he is amazing here but I am saying he is believable.
.......Jennifer Connelly as Amanda Marsh. Now she is Amazing!!!!!!!!! Oscar worthy Amazing!!!
She does not make as many films as she used to and you forget how great she is. I will let you see this film to see how good she is as the struggling wife of Eric Marsh.

There are a couple problems:
-With all the time used for character development, not much time was used to explain what they are doing as they fight the fires. I just did not know. Think of The Martian. Yes The Martian was not real, but remember they took a lot of time showing you why they are doing certain technical stuff. You were in it with them. Here I never felt I was all in because I was confused about what was going on and why they were doing certain stuff.
-Miles Teller as Brendan McDonough. There was not one minute I saw him as a Hot Shot. I think he was miscast. He seemed almost clumsy. Sometimes pushing so much that he seemed to be over acting.

Let me get off the negatives. Yes it has that sad ending but it really is a great story...and it has some funny moments also. Go see this we run from fires these brave souls run toward the fires. 4 out of 5 stars for Only The Brave.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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