Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Joe Bell


Joe Bell tells the story of a father who is walking across the country telling the story of how his son was bullied before his death.
I really liked this film. I thought Wahlberg was wonderful and believable as Joe. His son Jaden, played by Reid Miller was perfect, as a viewer we love him. Connie Britton as Jaden's mom in a small thankless role as the worried mom shines as always.
Critics did not like this film, they did not like Wahlberg in this. Me, I personally thought he was pretty good in the role. I think people did not like a strong catholic in this part lol.
Anyway, it has a good message, it was short and did not overstay its welcome. I give Joe Bell 3 1/2 stars out of 5.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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