Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Black Widow

Black Widow

This film has a lot going for it. Nice story, almost out of a spy book. Great cast with Pugh; Johannson; Weiz; and Harbour. It works really well with just enough humor to release tension.
My problem with this is the timing. This should have been released in the Marvel Universe years ago. Sadly it was put off and put off because Studio Execs did not feel a female could carry a Marvel film. Then came 
Captain Marvel and the game changed. 
So there lies the problem with Black Widow. Knowing the death of Natasha in Endgame, you kinda think, yes she is in jeopardy here but...she is dead in the last film I saw. Sadly, and it sounds mean, but it is hard to care. The problem is in the timing.

3 1/2 stars out of 5 for this well acted, exciting story.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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