Thursday, December 14, 2017

New Film Review: Star Wars The Last Jedi

Image result for star wars the last jedi

Directed by Rian Johnson
Screenplay by Rian Johnson
Starring Daisy Riley; Mark Hamill; Adam Driver; Domhnall Gleeson; Carrie Fisher; Oscar Isaac; John Boyega; Laura Dern; Benicio Del Toro

This is a no spoiler review, as always. Now for the first time I will be doing a spoiler review. This will come next week, giving you all some time to see this film.
Going in I was a bit worried because I am not a fan of middle movies of a trilogy. Middle movies are usually just a bridge. No clean ending. The  big ending usually comes in the third film. So like noted I was i had to be careful not to be too negative.
Well....this film had more problems then being a middle movie.

-Star Wars The Force Awakens was almost magical. With JJ at the helm. Here with Johnson writing and directing, this film is flat. Close to boring. Plus a bit too long. And close to pointless.
By the end of this 2 hour and 20 minute film we watched characters go from point A to point B...and are kind of in the same situation. If this film did showed how great JJ Abrams is.
-If there was a criticism of The Force Awakens it was it was to close of a story line to New Hope. I was okay with that. My thought was....history sometimes repeats itself. However at some point you have to break away. Not here...the Del Toro character!!!!!! Oh No They Did Not...I have seen that before. The training...seen that to. Just lazy.
-Then there is just too much happening. To many story lines, and some were useless. The story line for Finn was just a waste. It was not needed. A miscast Laura Dern was not needed. Then throw in this shocker, Luke is in this film for maybe 30 minutes, maybe less!!! His story makes no sense whats so ever. Luke get your ass off the rock!!!! What the hell!!
-The look. Sometimes the special effects were...lacking. Also.....I swear I am not nit picking...did Rey stop to put make up on. I swear she had lipstick on for some scenes and eye liner. This make up would come and go in the same scene!!!

Okay Positives....
-Damn I love the characters.
I care about them. Even Kylo Renn is a great bad guy.
Yes the film can be long and sometimes boring...still I am there on the edge of my seat hoping for good to beat bad. That is what makes the story fun.

I would give the film 3 out of 5 stars. Just for the character development of Rey. I left wanting to see part 3 just to see what happens to her; and in that way I guess the film did what it needed to do.
Just bring back JJ and give Johnson the boot. I gave The Force Awakens 4 1/2, so this is a big drop.
In fact I watched The Force Awakens the night before seeing The Last Jedi to refresh my memory. I still loved it. I do not really want to see The Last Jedi again. It is not needed, there were two big plot points I need for part 3, that is it.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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