Monday, December 18, 2017


Image result for star wars the last jedi spoiler review

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do not read if you have not seen this film. This is my first spoiler review ever.

Boy did I get emails about my review of this film.
People I gave it 3 stars the night I saw it. I did not hate it!!! Settle down!!!
Well here is my spoiler review breaking down the film.....

The bad:
-There is clearly an editing problem through out the film dealing with time. Lets highlight moving from The Force Awakens to The Last Jedi. We are seconds after the Force Awakens film, Rey is handing the lightsaber to Luke. We left the resistance as they blew up the weapon...but now they are decimated. Close to extinct. Huh? They were just celebrating!!
I think this happens when you have a story with a different writer comes in. Johnson has his own vision. His vision is more ...I guess mystical. Like the oddest thing, General Leia pulling some kind of Mary Poppins act, and floating in to space away from an exploding ship. Then she floats back. WTH!!! What was that? If she can do that or always could do that ...that changes things going forward and confuses what has already happened! Then you also have Luke doing some mind trick at the end. Then you have Rey doing a mind connection with Kylo Ren.  Sometimes I felt there was too much of this odd stuff and not enough movement...the story was stuck for the first hour and a half and did not move forward. It felt like Johnson really wanted to push his vision and it took a long time to explain it.
-I mentioned this in my other review. The miscasting of Laura Dern as Vice Admiral Holdo. She just looks like she uncomfortable in this role. Plus back to awful writing. So Holdo disagrees with Poe. Poe takes over the ship. Poe's people battle Hodo's people. Door opens and Leia walks through then so does Holdo. They laugh about Poe's spunk. WHAAAT????!!!! You just shot at Poe's men and now you laugh...all friends for no reason. Huh??? Makes absolutely no sense.
-They promoted Luke being in this film everywhere. They have Mark Hamill!!! Why not use him?
He is clocked in at under 30 minutes!! Give him a bigger part...let him do battle!!!
I have to say Johnson is awful as a storyteller.
-Another example is the Finn and Rose storyline. It was just a waste. Think about it. It added the story. They failed. Then throw in Del Toro as DJ...they stole the exact Lando storyline from Empire!!! Again lazy!! Well anyway it was obvious Johnson wanted to give Boyega a story to keep him busy.

Well enough of the bad here is the good:
-Both Driver and Ridley are just wonderful. Plus their characters are just great, and you know where this is going...the final battle between them. Good vs Evil!!!
-I know Hamill was only in the film for a short time but...he was just awesome. The death scene was a thing of beauty!! Note the sun like in New Hope. The same score as in The New Hope. Wonderful. Maybe Hamill's best performance to date.
-The bridge. This movie was a bridge to the showdown of the two main characters, but also a bridge from the old to the new. It is now the new character's films. The old guard is now officially gone. I am so excited for the regroup after this movie which was basically a constant retreat.

Well there is my first spoiler review. I still think 3 stars, maybe 3 1/2 out of 5.
I kind of compare this film to Dunkirk. When you have a bunch of people retreating the whole film, or trying to, it really does not make for a great film. Yes I know a lot of people love the beautiful Dunkirk and this film. Planning an escape from a battle is kind of boring to me.
 However at least here as opposed to Dunkirk they have character development.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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