Thursday, December 28, 2017

New Film Review: The Disaster Artist

Image result for disaster artist poster

Directed by James Franco
Screenplay by Scott Neustadter and Michael Webber
Starring James Franco; Dave Franco; and Seth Rogan

As you would figure...this is odd..and real!!!
Well acted.
Strangely moving, often uncomfortably sad.
It follows Greg Sestero, an ambitious young actor played wonderfully by Dave Franco, he befriends Tommy Wiseau, played by James Franco, who is....I have know idea. An actor I guess. A film producer. We follow them as they make one of the worst films in history The Room.

It all revolves around a wonderful performance by James Franco. If you watch to the end you will see side by side comparisons between James and is all spot on. From his physical quirks to his odd accent which no one can figure out where he comes from.
The film has funny moments but it really needed to be shorter, at one hour and forty five minutes it felt real long. I went from oddly funny, to painful, to looking at the time on your phone.
Tommy is such an odd mystery, he was a perfect subject and so was The Room. Yet...still no answers on where he came from or where did all his money come from.
I did not hit her...I did noooooot...oh hi Mark.

3 stars out of 5 for The Disaster Artist. Well worth a look for home viewing when it comes out. And no, you do not need to see The Room to understand what is happening here. I wish I laughed more instead of may be too oddly strange.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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