Monday, December 25, 2017

New Film Review: Wonder Wheel

Image result for wonder wheel movie

Directed by Woody Allen
Screenplay by Woody Allen
Starring Jim Belushi; Kate Winslet; Juno Temple; and Justin Timberlake

This is getting trashed by critics. I do not think it is that bad. Yet sadly it is not that great.
It is just flat.

Here are positives:
Kate Winslet:  As Ginny. She plays the part as a New York wife who is unhappy with her life and wants to find a way out. She is her usual great self, nailing the New York dialect.
Jim Belushi: As the hubby Humpty. He is so mean and so clueless and oddly likable. Yet you can see why she wants out..he is a bully. He almost is too real here...he is that good.

Now the negatives:
I feel like the story lays there. It does not push through the idea. It is one big circle (Not spoiling).
I get a feeling that Timberlake breaking the fourth wall was added after the maybe add perspective..and help explain and push things. Still is just stayed in one place. With two triangles going should not be flat.
Then you have Juno Temple as Carolina. Just wasted. I am a huuuuge fan and was so disappointed she did not have a bigger part.
Then they threw in an odd storyline which was annoying about Ginny's son lighting things on fire. I think it was supposed to be funny or relevant but it was just annoying.

The strange thing is this film seems almost like a stage play. Maybe it would work as one. Most of the action takes place in on room. Just a thought.

2 stars out of 5 for Wonder Wheel. May be worth a look for home viewing.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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