Monday, December 25, 2017

New Film Review: Downsizing

Image result for downsizing

Directed by Alexander Payne
Screenplay by Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor
Starring: Matt Damon; Christoph Waltz; Hong Chau; Kristen Wiig; and Jason Sudeikis

It is interesting that is for sure. Not as quirky as the trailer wants you to think.

I really thought the idea was fascinating.
I also thought it had some wonderful performances:
Matt Damon: Well Matt Damon as Paul, being Matt Damon.
Christoph Waltz: He has a very interesting part here playing Dusan a playboy living above Paul. I really liked his character. It showed no matter what size you are....people are still the same. Yet....they left that storyline.
Kristen Wiig: As Audrey the woman who leaves him in the dust. Sadly they also leave that storyline. I would want them to meet up...him small, her big. Just to talk about their lives. Sadly they left her in the dust.

So what is left?

It is just odd.
He just goes through the motions like when he was big. The point being, I am sure, that you cant run from who you are, no matter what the size.
Then he meets Ngoc, the house cleaner.
Ngoc is played by Hong Chau and she moves in and steals the movie.
As we follow her we learn that, again, no matter the size, things are the same. She lives outside of the Leisure area and shows us...that there are levels of money, just like the big world. It gives Damon someone to play off of.. ..and she give an Oscar worthy performance.
Again the problem is they do not know where to go..they cannot decide if it is a love story or save the earth story. It waste a lot of time...circling the idea but never really nailing it. Leaving interesting ideas or characters in the dust.
It is hard to discuss without spoiling.
I am saying it is worth going to see because it is so different. Again, it has wonderful performances.

I just thought it had no focus. 3 1/2 out of 5 mainly for the acting and the idea. I wanted more talk about the downsizing. It just felt it was just a story of regular size people.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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