Monday, December 11, 2017

Number 15 Of My 20 Best

Image result for titanic movie


Hey stop it!!!!
I know, people eye roll when they hear Titanic these days.
Corny? Maybe.
Too long? Maybe.
But it works.

It is history.
It is a love story with a sad ending yet...a feel good ending.
It has a really good bad guy...yes you are Billy Zane!!
It has action. The action is sooo good...well lets review. You are watching Titanic for say the third time. You see Jack chained to a pipe. He is almost drowning. In comes Rose and she is going to free him with an axe. You want her to rush and save Jack don't you???!!! You pray that she does not cut his hands off don't you???!!! Wait a minute this is your third viewing you know he is getting out. is your third viewing he dies at the end any way. Still...on your third viewing you are still vested, you are cheering the two on. That is a sign of a good film. You are all in even though you know the outcome.
Now throw in the big star of the film, the Titanic. James Cameron gave us one the most beautiful looking films in history. Every detail is so gorgeous, to a point you not only feel sad for the people but as the ship sinks you feel for is sad to see something like that disappear. He sucked us in, he put us on the deck of the Titanic. He even put us in the boiler room (Which also looked like the real thing).
Lets not forget the two leads Cameron cast. Both of these actors, DiCaprio and Winslet, are acting their asses off, often in waste high water. They are perfect, think about their chemistry. Without it the film fails.

Lets face it...when it is on TV you have to stop and watch.
So my number 15 out of 20...laugh if you want but it is close to perfect, it is Titanic.
By the way Titanic opened up 10 years ago this month.
Come on Rose slide over and give Jack some more of the board!!!!!!!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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