Sunday, April 19, 2015

New Film Review: Danny Collins

Image result for danny collins poster
Screenplay and Direction by Dan Fogelman
Starring: Al Pacino; Annette Bening; Christopher Plummer; Bobby Cannavale; and Jennifer Garner

Inspired by the true story of singer Steve Tilson, Al Pacino stars as aging 1970s rocker Danny Collins, who is living off his past success, still partying like his golden days, living with a woman who is about 1/3 his age. But when his manager Frank (Christopher Plummer) uncovers a 40 year-old undelivered letter written to him by John Lennon, he Reflects on what he was or the person he was before stardom. Collins then decides to change his course and embarks on a heartfelt journey to rediscover his past, and try to make reparations while doing so.

This film surprised me. This is what I thought I was going to see: An older rock star who finds his family while still partying. And they hate him. He falls in love with Bening and then at the end he dies and everybody is sad but happy they met him. Well I was wrong.
There is a sweetness to Danny Collins. There is one scene where he catches his girlfriend doing something wrong,and the way he handles it is surprising. From that point in the film, I knew this is not what I thought it was going to be.
It is a pretty good film with really good performances:
Pacino, maybe the best performance he has given since The Insider. He plays Collins surprisingly pushy and soft at the same time.
Bening, the trailer is deceiving, she is not in the film that much but her and Pacino have nice chemistry.
Cannavale, coming back from the embarrassment that is Annie, gives a nice strong realistic performance
Garner, who is pretty much a fulltime mom these days taking on small roles here and there. Like in Alexander And The Terrible Day; Draft Day; Dallas Buyers; Men Women And Children she takes small roles, as she does here, she absolutely shines. I think she is very underrated right now.
Plummer, as Pacino's agent almost steals the film, as he usually does, with humor.

All these stars mean nothing with out another really good screenplay by Dan Fogelman (Crazy,Stupid,Love).

Well I cant classify it as great film, but it is a pretty good sweet film 3 1/2 out of 5 stars for Danny Collins. Well worth a look.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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