Wednesday, April 22, 2015

It Is Wednesday!! Yay Or Nay Trailers!! Featuring Three Future Blockbusters!!

Wednesdays I judge three films just by the trailers....either Yay or along!!

Release Date December 18th

There is so much to love just from the trailer. First it starts with that great John Williams score.
Then you see two young actors who have future stardom written all over them: you see Daisy Ridley who will play Rey and you see John Boyega who will play Finn. We also see the familiar face of Harrison Ford as Han Solo, which, lets face it, is awesome!! This is the second teaser trailer and we still have not had any hints of what Adam Driver; Domhnall Gleeson ; Gwen Christie: Oscar Isaac; Lupita Nyong'o; or Andy Serkis are going to do or be in this film. Not knowing, and the Star Wars machine hiding these stars, almost peaks my interest as much as the trailer does. YAY!!!

Release Date March 25 2016

The Trailer does not show much. We see that there is some push back by the public on what part Superman should play in society. Which I think is not a good storyline because I am thinking who cares, what are you going to do? He is Superman. Batman will use a kryptonite battering ram I guess.
I liked the last Superman film. It started out strong with Henry Cavill as Superman. However the last half hour of fighting wore me out and I was not doing the was never ending!! Here with Ben Affleck as Batman, we do not see enough to judge him yet. So for now NAY...I need to see more.

Release Date July 31 2015

I like these Mission Impossible films. Yes, the action is a little over the top, but I find them well written. I feel Cruise gets a lot of flack for his personal life, some justified some not, still I am able to go above that and say I like him still in most of his films. Mission Imposssible films are also pretty good because of the costars: the very funny Simon Pegg as Benji; Jeremy Renner as Brandt; and of course Ving Rhames as Luther, they all seem to have good chemistry. The difference between this and the Furious films....screenplay and Cruise seems nutty enough to do the stunts. As a matter of fact he was seen on the plane!! From the trailer it looks fun. YAY!!

Well from the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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