Wednesday, April 8, 2015

It is Wednesday!! Yay Or Nay Trailers!!! Summer Blockbusters Addition!!

Wednesdays I judge, Yay Or Nay, just by looking at the movie trailer!

Release Date: May 1 2015

I worry about this one. I was not a huge fan of the first Avengers. I felt that someone in production said: "Hey, crushing buildings looks cool, can we get a lot more of that!!!" And, they did. For like a good half hour at the end of the movie. It went on and on and on and on and on. Now they show us this trailer, and guess what....more crushing buildings. I understand these movies are not for me. They want to sell action figures. I just wish they would give us a little more insight into the superheroes. I mean, I felt Ruffalo was "Mr Invisible" in the last film instead of the Hulk. What does intrigue me is the voice of Ultron, James Spader. I can see that as a "bad guy voice". Still from the Trailer NAY!Still, no matter Nay Or is still going to make a billion dollars.

Jurassic World
Release Date: June 12 2015

Chris Pine! Bryce Dallas Howard! Trailer looks awesome!!
Enough said!!
Yay!! Or Hell YAY!! And remember, if something chases!!

Release Date: May 29 2015

Lets face it, we all feel like we have seen this film before. And the poor Golden Gate Bridge!! How many times in movie history does that bridge take a beating??!!
Dwayne The Rock Johnson, is there anyone making movies right now more charming and likable than Johnson? Maybe Chris Pine, who we just saw in the other trailer, other than that, I do not know who is. You also have Paul Giamatti, who I can believe as a scientist. Carla Gugino, who always gives a solid performance whether it is a small or a large role. I just think this looks like it could be entertaining. I am almost embarrassed to say ....YAY!!

Well as always thanks for your time!!

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