Wednesday, April 15, 2015

It is Wednesday!! Yay or Nay Trailers!!

Wednesday Yay or Nay Trailers...judging the films just by the trailers!!

Release date April 17 2015

Wow this looks intriguing!! The trailer looks like it could be a slow build to a good ending.
The film seems to ride its success on Jonah Hill and James Franco acting. If they fail, the film fails. I think both actors are underrated, because of their goofy personas. I think it looks good. Based on a true story. YAY!!

Release date April 17 2015

The trailer does not give up much other than a creep factor. It is rated R so it may look like a scifi but I get a feeling it leans more toward a mind bending sexual/thriller. I just did a write up on About Time which starred Domhnall Gleeson who I like very much as an actor, so that is a plus for me. Boy this is a close call because just by the feel of the trailer I think it may be a depressing ending. Still I lean toward...YAY...just because it looks so different. YAY!!

Release Date June 12 2015

I just felt like I have seen this before. There have been specials on the history of Saturday Night live on HBO and on NBC. The trailer did not show me anything that made me intrigued. Or think I will learn something different. NAY!!

From the always thanks for your time.

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