Wednesday, April 1, 2015

It Is Wednesday!! Yay or Nay Trailers!!

Yay Or Nay trailers Wednesday!! Where I judge the film just by watching the trailer!!

Release Date May 8

I am waffling on this one. Jack Black; James Marsden; Kathryn Hahn; Jeffery Tambor; and Mike White. Great cast. However it feels like a drama that they are trying to sell as a comedy. The cast sends me to the yay side. YAY!!

Release Date May 8

I have to be honest here, I have heard a strong positive buzz coming from Sundance about this film a couple months ago. I was excited to see the trailer. Okay, this looks really good, but it would not surprise me if this is really a drama, I mean she goes off her meds. Still, did I see Jennifer Jason Leigh!!!!!! Did I see Wes Bentley!!! Where have they been???!!! YAY!!

Release June 5

McCarthy's shtick may be getting old. The odd thing is she was not funny in the trailer.
I did laugh at the other lines but not her lines which is worrisome. Plus I feel I have seen this film before, which means it could have lazy writing. NAY!!

As always thanks for your time!!

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