Tuesday, April 7, 2015

New DVD/BluRay/Streaming Releases This Week

There are a couple of new releases to note this week:

A Most Violent Year
Direction and Screenplay by J.C. Chandor
Starring Jessica Chastain and Oscar Isaac

It is New York City 1981. Abel Morales (Isaac) runs a trucking company. He wants to be a good and an honest business man. However he is getting pressure from the outside to come to the dark side w/mob influences.
It is an interesting movie because it flips the popular husband and wife personalities in films, where in this, Abel Morales wants to do right while his wife Anna (Chastain) is bad ass.
The film that could have used more editing. The story runs 125 minutes and it felt like it. I felt it kept showing the same scenes over and over. It needed to move or push the story along, which made me think maybe the script did not have enough story.
Still the strong performances has me recommending this film, especially Isaac. I just saw him in Inside Llewyn Davis, and it took me awhile to recognize him in this! Be sure to look for him in the new Star Wars films. He is an amazing actor!
3 1/2 out of 5 stars for A Most Violent Year. Well worth a look!!

The Immigrant
Direction And Screenplay by James Gray
Starring- Marion Cotillard; Joaquin Phoenix; and Jeremy Renner

This film made my top ten for 2014.
An  immigrant woman played by Marion Cotillard loses track of her sister at Ellis Island and is tricked into a life of burlesque and vaudeville. Until a  magician tries to save her and help her get to her sister in the confines of Ellis Island.
I cant tell you more because it will spoil the film. It is entertaining and suspenseful with a great feel for time and place. Cotillard puts on an acting class in this film and was sadly over looked for an Oscar Nomination (she did get nominated for Two Days One Night). I think she may be at the top, or damn well near the top of actresses working today.
4 of 5 stars for The Immigrant. In my top ten!!

As always thanks for your time!!

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