Monday, April 13, 2015

Monday recommended: Populaire

Image result for populaire film

Mondays I recommend a film that may have passed you by when it came out.

Directed by Regis Roinsard
Screenplay: Regis Roinsard; Daniel Pressley; and Romain Compingt
Starring: Romaine Duris and Deborah Francois

Spring, 1958. A 21-year-old French woman, Rose (Francois), travels to Normandy, where a charismatic insurance agency boss Louis (Doris)  is advertising for a secretary. Rose answers the advertisement and during the interview she reveals how bad she is at being a secretary. However she reveals a special gift - she can type at extraordinary speed, which brings out a competitive spirit in Louis. And starts an odd yet funny and romantic relationship.

I was lucky enough to catch this French film in the theatre when it came to the US in 2013 (It was released overseas in 2012). It has a touch of Mad Men and a touch of an old Audrey Hepburn film. It is very sweet, with romance and humor.
What makes this film really work is Deborah Francois. She is absolutely wonderful and believable, you will love her in this film. In fact, she is so good, I was thinking while watching the film, she is too good for him. She just shines.

4 out of 5 stars for Populair a fun sweet French film. It is available for streaming on Netflix.

As always thanks for your time.  

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