Sunday, April 5, 2015

Film Review: Zero Motivation

Image result for zero motivation

Direction and Screenplay by Talya Lavie
Starring: Nelly Tagar and Dana Ivgy

A dark and comedic look into the life of female Israeli Soldiers in 2004. Focusing mainly on two friends, Zohar (Ivgy) and Daffi (Tagar), as they work in the Human Resources Office at a remote desert base. They bide their time pushing papers and playing computer games, counting down the minutes until they can return to civilian life.
I was able to catch Zero Motivation at a small theatre. It had a strong buzz in 2014 but just reached the shores of the US this week for the public to view.
The film plays out like M*A*S*H, where the young ladies are just there to put in their time so they can get home or find some other place to be other than out in the middle of nowhere. I laughed out loud often and a lot of jokes went by me because of the subtitles lagging and then missing the tone. Speaking of tone, like M*A*S*H, the film goes from heavy to humor often and sometimes they clash and parts of the film fall flat. I was thinking it needed editing, but at 97 minutes, not true. It felt long for some reason. Maybe, just focusing on just the two leads, made it seem long, instead of opening up the screenplay to include more info on the other actresses/soldiers. Kind of like what M*A*S*H did right, they would step away from Hawkeye and Trapper often and let us know the other characters.
Well, I do not want to get too negative because it is a pretty good film. A highlight of this film is Nelly Tagar!! She is very good and whenever she is on the screen you cheer for her, and she has very good comic timing. I hope to see her again in something else.

2 1/2 out of 5 stars for Zero Motivation. A pretty good film with some laughs, when it comes out on BluRay/DVD it is worth a look see.

As always thanks for your time.

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