Thursday, March 21, 2019

New Film Review: US

Image result for US movie

4 out of 5 stars

Well if you are a frequent flyer of my blog, and you really should be, it is a lovely blog with pictures, you know I am not a big horror fan. I tend to avoid these types of films unless there is a big buzz. know Jordan Peele's US has a lot of buzz!!!

This may be short because, as always, I try to keep my blog spoiler free.

I have heard this called a masterpiece of a horror film. Well not really...but it is very good.
The plot, as you can see from the trailers, some strangers show up at this family's vacation rental and ends up being them. Yes odd, but I cant spoil. I will just say it strangely involves a type of mirroring of individuals. I think...I am not sure, but I think they are pissed because we as humans are walking the earth, and we get to see the sky. Yes I do understand the political message of the forgotten class that toils under the radar, and here we do mean under, and out of sight and out of mind. I get it. I try to stay with the films for what it is and not look into deeper meanings outside the film I am watching in the theater.. You just want to know should I throw money down to go see it, I keep it simple. The answer here is YES.
The film is almost exhausting. Peele has you are on the edge of your seat constantly and he still manages to throw in some laughs. Plus a twist at the end which was kind of awesome, yet I saw it coming and it still worked.
His casting was spot on with actors doing really good jobs playing double parts:
Winston Duke as father Gabe Wilson and also Abraham
Shahadi Wright Joseph as daughter Zora Wilson and Umbrae
Evan Alex as Jason Wilson and Pluto
Also Elisabeth Moss shows up in a small but wonderful part as family friend Kitty Tyler, but is fantastic as Dahlia!

Oh did I leave someone out??!!

An incredible performance by Lupiuta Nyong'o!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is pure perfection as both mother Adelaide Wilson, and also Red. Please remember she is from Kenya and Mexico also, she is doing all this running around and playing two parts in an American accent and some strange growl. She is crazy good here!!!!! Acting often with just a look saying so much!!

-Unfortunately it had the typical characters making really dumb decisions during the spoilers but...why get out of the car??!! As per example. Separating unnecessarily way to often. Stopping to watch TV? That is just a couple of examples.
-Holes. Like a town has a big issue here and America knows because it is on the news. No military (Maybe I am overthinking however)?

Well 4 out of 5 stars which is pretty good for this non-horror liking reviewer, I think it borderlines more toward thriller than horror I guess. For horror fans it gives you everything you want...tension...blood...scares...and it also gives you the "creepies". Well maybe this review was not as short as I thought it would be.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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