Sunday, March 3, 2019

April 4th, 25 Years Ago We Lost John Candy: A Tribute ...His 5 Best Characters

Image result for john candy wagons east

The above is a picture of John Candy in Wagon East. This was the film he was working on when he sadly passed away from a heart attack.
Canada has given Hollywood many funny actors:
Rick Moranis
Michael J Fox
Leslie Nielson
Martin Short
Michael Cera
Dan Aykroyd
Jim Carrey
Mike Myers

That is a pretty good list, but I have to say John Candy is at the top or damn near the top of this list..
So as a tribute to John Candy who we lost 25 years ago today, April 4th, here is my list of his top 5 characters.

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LASKY: the security guard in National Lampoons Vacation

Teeeny tiny role...but that line!!!

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IRV: From Cool Runnings

"Our Father Who Art In Calgary Bobsled Be Thy Name" So funny!!!

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Barf: From Spaceballs

"I am my own best friend" LOL!

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Buck: From Uncle Buck
What made this character work is everybody has an Uncle Buck or knows an Uncle Buck, who is a guy with a good heart but just a bit of a mess. He is perfect here. You wish he was alive to make a sequel for this one.
Are you married?
Any Kids?

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Dell Griffith: From Planes Trains And Automobiles
As time goes by and you watch this film, yes it gets/looks more and more dated, you realize still only one actor can pull off Dell Griffith with such slapstick humor; funny lines; and yes with heart...John Candy!

And the last scene we never forget:

Yes I know he got a lot of help often with the fantastic writing of John Hughes...but lets face is all in the delivery.
Five great characters here, but lets not forget....
Ox in Stripes
PVT Foley in 1941
Freddie Bauer in Splash
Jack Chester in Summer Rental
Chet Ripley from The Great Outdoors
Gus Polinski in Home Alone
Or even his many characters on SCTV
Yes he was just great.
So tip of the hat today, April 4th, to the loss of John Candy. His Legacy lives on in Jennifer Candy and Chris Candy his daughter and son who both do a lot of work in the Canadian film industry and a little in Hollywood.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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