Sunday, March 31, 2019

New Film Review: Gloria Bell

Image result for gloria bell poster


2 stars out of 5

Sebastian Lelio brings his remake of Gloria from Chile. If  it was not for the wonderful performance here by Julianne Moore this American version would be a complete failure.
The storyline is the problem. We follow Gloria, who is a free spirited woman in her 50's. Yes she is kind of sweet. Maybe a little too sweet, she is a pushover. We see her as she tries to create a relationship, and I do mean create, with Arnold. Arnold is played by John Turturro, who is woefully miscast. So we follow this painful relationship, as Gloria tries to force it to work, and Arnold turns into a stalker. It is not a fun watch. it is more annoying...watching the odd behaviors from the lead characters. All added up, it is a film with slow movement and anuninteresting storyline. I mean people walked out of my screening. The trailer makes it look loose and fun, but it comes across as sad and claustrophobic.
The good, maybe great, is the performance by Julianne Moore. She says so much in this part by maybe just a look, or a smile. She carries this messy story to the end.

When it comes out for home viewing it is worth a look to see Julianne Moore. A disappointment.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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