Thursday, March 7, 2019

New Film Review: Captain Marvel

Image result for captain marvel


4 out of 5 Stars
It has been a pretty rough year for here comes Captain Marvel flying in. This is the best film I have seen this year for sure.

I will get the negatives out of the way:
-As with most modern day superhero movies the final fight scene goes on way too long. This one I timed at 30 minutes...including a fight on a space ship. A fight in space. A fight on earth. Then another fight in space again. The directors/screenwriters Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck could not stop themselves...they always think more is better. In reality sometimes less is makes the story cleaner and tighter. In the last 30 minutes it felt like they were just making it up as they went on.
-A surprise twist of the bad guy in the middle of the film was not much of a surprise when you show that in the trailer LOL!!
-Special effects were pretty bad. The first 15 minutes takes place with just green screen and it does not look good. Then when Captain Marvel is does not look like her at all. You would figure with all that Marvel/Disney money they would be able to clean it up, or use real sets and get rid of the dark green screen in the beginning of the film.

Now to the good!!!!
- Brie Larson...Brie Larson...Brie Larson. What a great decision. One of the best actresses working today! Bad ass; smart; and funny, she carries this film on her shoulders. Yes she gets lots of help (Sam Jackson), but it is her that makes this film work. She also has to act through some odd editing where we do not get much of a back story in one lump, her back story is scattered through out the film. So she is in a tough situation, for she is a little bit of a cold superhero. We do not know her back story very much, she has to try to get us to like her. In reality....we kind of do not fully like her, but we trust in her, which makes her different from other superheros.
-The screen play, even though a little sloppy at the end, and a bit confusing at the end, it has you guessing and cheering. Part action; part mystery; part comedy and all together it works.
-Oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The best mid -credit scene ever!!!!!!!!!!! I mean after watching that last Avengers which was nothing short of watching heroes being disintegrated...then come this mid-credit scene which felt like hope!! I mean in my screening the place went nuts!! Also...there is an after credit scene which I think is important in a quiet way.
-The cat is a star!!

4 out of 5 stars for Captain Marvel.
Go see it.

From the shadows thanks for your time!!

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