Thursday, March 21, 2019

Nancy Drew And The Hidden Staircase

Image result for Nancy drew and the hidden stairway movie

Nancy Drew And The Hidden Staircase

2 1/2 out of 5 stars

Well oddly I was entertained.
I understand it was not for me....I had a little trouble trying to figure out who it was for. I think 10 -13 maybe. Tone is a but scary for younger than ten.
I also do not understand why it was in the theater. It seems like it would work better as a Netflix series. It is almost too basic for a big screen movie....asking people to pay money for this.
It does a lot right...
- The film cast the wonderful Sophia Lillis (IT) as Nancy. She is great, and I would like to see her in this role again. Also a nice job by Zoe Renee as George Fayn and Mackenzie Graham as Bess Marvin Nancy's best friends.
-The story follows the book by Mildred Wirt Benson, It is a good mystery...a little slow...but it works. It did modernize it a bit with cell phones. Also, it was a nice message movie for young ladies, where all three best friends are all very smart kids. There is also a nice message about ramifications of bullies and not to bully back.
-Story is a bit slow. Had many holes (Not sure if young kids would pick up the holes) and major coincidences.
- Casting Laura Wiggins as the gangs new friend? AAAH Way too old for the part of a high school student. She is 30!!!
 The film is harmless with a good message for young girls...if you don't follow the story too much to see the holes lol. It is available this coming week on VOD after spending a week in the theatres.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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