Thursday, March 7, 2019

New Film Review: Fighting With My Family

Image result for fighting with my family

3 1/2 out of 5 Stars

Sometimes you get surprised.
I am not much of a modern day wrestling fan, so I put this film on the back-burner.
This movie delivers.
The trailer for this film is deceiving. It sells it as one woman's journey. However it is a story about family, the Knight family who runs a small wresting company in the UK. They are just a family who sticks together, yes they fight, but still they love and care for each other. Yes we follow Paig played wonderfully by Florence Pugh (First contender for best newcomer/breakout of the year), as she chases her dream to be in the WWE....and the difficulty of leaving her brother and other family members behind.
The film is sweet; often funny; and interesting (who knew there was a WWE minor league in Florida??!!).
Yes there are gaps in the story (Like her downfall should have been mentioned) and often you feel you are watching the same practice/workout scenes over and over. Plus it seemed that Vince Vaughn as Hutch did not want to be in this film...he seems to be mailing it in.
Still it is harmless fun. Surprise...I really liked it and I was cheering Paig on!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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