Saturday, February 27, 2016

In The Shadows Defense Of The Film Leap Year

Image result for leap year movie

February 29th is upon us. It should be a National Holiday. Schools should be closed. Everybody should be home to watch this film.
Okay I went too far.

Directed by Anand Tucker
Screenplay by Deborah Kaplan and Harry Elfont
Starring Amy Adams; Matthew Goode; and Adam Scott

Okay I will get the negatives out of the way:
Yes the main idea in the plot of proposing on Leap Year Day is kinda silly, but I am reading it is now a thing in the states!!
Yes Matthew Goode said he did the movie for just the money.
Yes you see where the plot is going before you even start watching it.
Yes awful green screen work.
Yes the worst/uncomfortable wedding crasher scene in film. You see it in the above trailer!
Yes silly and not necessary physical comedy including falling down a hill....which hurts to watch.

However I am here in defense of Leap Year!!! SOOOOOO..................

It has Amy freaking Adams so take that.
You go into the movie looking for a love story/comedy/with corny ending and you get just that!!!!!!! You don't go in looking for superheroes to swoop down and save Amy Adams here.
It is a pretty good road trip movie actually filmed in Ireland!!
At one point the question is asked in a fire what would you grab first. Which is later tested by Amy Adams, it makes you think, as the viewer, what would you grab first.

Great lines like:
Amy..I am a stager, I bring furniture into a place that is for sale to make the property look nice they keep the furniture/
Amy...No it is just for show
Matthew you are just a con-artist
"When my 60 seconds came around I realized I had everything I ever wanted...but nothing I really needed"

It brilliantly made a piece of luggage a character...Louie. It was pretty funny.

Leap Year was not made to win an Oscar. It was made to sit ...park your brain and enjoy. It is a harmless romantic comedy.

\3 1/2 stars out of 5 for Leap Year and you can stream it on  Netflix!!!!!

Happy Leap Year Day February 29th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time!!

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