Friday, February 5, 2016

New Film Review: Hail Caesar

Image result for hail caesar

Screenplay by Coen Brothers
Directed by Coen Brothers
Starring Josh Brolin; George Clooney; Alden Ehrenreich; Ralph Fiennes; Scarlett Johansson; Tilda Swinton; Channing Tatum

The good:
Fiennes is funny in his small part. Ehrenreich is very funny. Josh Brolin coming off Sicario now here gives back to back very good performances.

That is all. This is my first big disappointment of the year. Critics are sheep here and see Coen and just put a stamp of approval. This film is a mess.
Where do I start:
The script is a mess, unfocused and not as zany and funny as one would think from the trailer.
Johansson is in this film. She looks pretty but has no reason to be there.
There were communist that were suppose to be funny but not so much.
Yes Communist. This film is a mess. I want to tell you more but I promise no spoilers.
The film has no cohesion or rhythm.
What a disappointment. Save your money wait for home viewing if you want to see it. I actually heard someone say on the way out we should have watched Fifty Shades Of Black. I wanted to say "No that would not have been a good idea either, go watch Star Wars again"! But they were right..they could have used their money else where.

2 stars out of 5 (and that is just for Brolin and Tatum's dancing) for Hail Caesar.....Hail NO!!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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