Friday, February 12, 2016

New Film Review: Zoolander 2

Image result for zoolander 2


Directed by Ben Stiller
Screenplay by Justin Theroux; Ben Stiller; Nicholas Stoller; and John Hamburg
Starring Ben Stiller; Owen Wilson; Penelope Cruz; and Will Ferrell

Lets get right to it. I liked it. I did not love it, but that is okay, I laughed many times.
It is just stupid fun. Either you get it or you do not. I get it.
 I think the issue that makes it not as good as the first Zoolander is that it pulled away from a spoof of the fashion industry and became almost a Wayan's like parody of a spy film. Zoolander is searching for his lost son. He was taken from him because of an unfortunate spaghetti incident. Thus is the plot, and if course the fashion industry is involved. Again, you have to laugh at the stupidity. This film is filled with many funny lines. Are they as quotable or memorable as the first one? I guess time will tell.
Here is what you learn here or do not learn:
-Hansel is still really hot right now
-How does spaghetti get soft????!!!
-Not many people worry about the death of Justin Bieber
-Swimsuit models feel less but they can swim
-If Anna Wintour is not heading toward the red carpet there is an issue
- Blue Steel takes a lot of work.
-Watch who you put in charge of building the school, for kids who cannot read good.
-Rocky Horror Picture reference? If you see the film find it. I \laughed but I was the only one.
-Sting is a hero!!!!!!!!!!!! spoilers. I am just saying it is not as funny as the first film, but I laughed many times watching this one.
3 out of 5 stars for Zoolander 2.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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