Friday, February 5, 2016

New Film Review: The Choice

Image result for the choice

Directed by Ross Katz
Screenplay by Bryan Sype
Based on a book by Nicholas Sparks
Starring: Benjamin Walker; Teresa Palmer; Maggie Grace; Tom Wilkinson; and Alexandra Daddario

We follow the relationship between Travis and Gabby over many years.

I, unlike most critics, am a sucker for a good love story on the screen. I was a fan of the last Sparks film The Longest Ride. was a disappointment.

I enjoyed the first hour while watching the relationship start. blew up.
Every Sparks trick was accident...ex or present day boyfriend....coma.
While everything was being used the film draaaaaaaged. I rolled my eyes often.
The script became predictable.
The chemistry between the two leads was way off. Now Walker was a bit stiff but he did  grow on me a bit.
Time rolls by 8-10 years and no one ages!!! How can they not think about aging someone!!
Someone is veeeerrrry ill and they look like they have not missed a meal and is perfect looking!!
No, I am not nitpicking...I promise you while watching this these points will cross your mind.
The saddest thing about this film is, is that it is just boring. There really is not much happening for most of it.
The two big positives are: Teresa Palmer until the car accident was really good in this; and Maggie Grace as Travis's sister is very good and I wish she was on the screen more.

Sadly the two positives cant make The Choice better then  2 out of 5 stars.
Wait for home viewing if you want to see it.....want romance go see Brooklyn!!

As always thanks for your time from the shadows.

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