Friday, February 5, 2016

New Film Review: The Finest Hours

Image result for the finest hours

Well yes it has been awhile and I know you miss my reviews. I had some issues to deal with and now you are going to be flooded with reviews. So I start with:

Directed by Craig Gillespie
Screenplay by Scott Silver; Paul Tamasay; and Eric Johnson
Based on the book by:Casey Sherman and Michael Tougias
Starring: Chris Pine; Casey Affleck; Ben Foster; and Holliday Grainger

Coast Guard Bernie Webber (Pine) makes a daring rescue attempt off the coast of Cape Cod after a pair of oil tankers are destroyed during a blizzard in 1952.

The acting in this amazing true story is really good.
Chris Pine who has the main role as Bernie Webber you would think he would be boisterous, however he comes across as aloof. With his sagging shoulders and quiet by the book mentality he really plays against the type of a Captain James Kirk.
Casey Affleck who rarely gives a bad performance but is often stuck in the shadows of his brother may even be better than Pine, the star, as Ray Sybert. In fact Ray Sybert who saves half the tanker and helps to keep it up maybe a bigger hero than Webber.
Ben Foster and Eric Banna are also in this film but really do not have much to do except stare.
Holliday Grainger as Miriam Webber is also very good in her part as the woman waiting. I have not seen her before, and she shined here.
Now as for the film itself. There lies a slight problem. It needed editing 117 minutes was way to long. Why? We get shots of Webber on his boat in rain seeing nothing, and we get it, it was hard to see. As a viewer....we are watching nothing also, and you kinda get bored. Editing. Then we get waaaaay to many shots of what is going on in Cape Cod. Disney cannot help itself, if we can have one harrowing scene of waiting why not have 20. Editing.
 Also there is word that a major part of a steel beam is false that was added...which is sad because the story seems to be able to stand on its own. Of course we get the corny ending which I don't mind, I don't mind a good corny ending but this one even had my eye rolling.
It is a shame because it is a really good true story. Amazing and exciting, and as noted well acted. In fact I am glad they made the good decision during the credits to give us looks of the real characters and what became of them.
3 out 5 stars for The Finest Hours. Just needs an editor. It may be more enjoyable at home on the small screen.

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

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