Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wednesday Trailers!!!! Spotlight/The Big Short/Legend

Yay Or Nay Trailers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Full Release November 4th

Boy. Tough subject to go to the movies and enjoy!! It does have a fantastic cast. And because of that cast I am going with a slight YAY!

Release date December 23

I just saw the film 99 Homes and it was hard to watch a bit. People making money off other peoples problems. This seems to be under that same umbrella. Like has a really good cast and the trailer is pretty good, so again I am going with a slight YAY.

Release Date November 20

Well I think Tom Hardy is a very much underrated actor. However he seems to really have trouble picking his movies (He is in the Revenant with Dicaprio in December). Here, I think the trailer tries to make it funny. Odds are it is not. It looks just weird...NAY.

Well from the shadows thanks for your time.

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