Monday, November 30, 2015

New Film Review: Spotlight

Image result for spotlight movie poster 2015

Directed by Tom McCarthy
Screenplay by Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer
Starring Rachel McAdams; Mark Ruffalo; Michael Keaton; John Flattery; and Live Schreiber

The true story of how the Boston Globe Spotlight Team uncovered the massive scandal of child molestation and cover-up within the local Catholic Archdiocese, shaking the entire Catholic Church to its core.

This is a really good film. One that many will not go see. "Honey lets go out to the movies and watch the story about priest molesting children". Yeah. That is not going to happen. However I will tell you is a very good film.
It takes you back to All The Presidents Men. When newspapers did not have an agenda. They just worked hard on a story to get the truth out. And, as in this story, you push for the truth despite all the obstacles in front of you. Lets face it. These reporters wee not just fighting priests they were fighting the beliefs of most of Boston who were catholic. In the face of all the push back...they worked very hard to get the truth out to the public. These reporters were heroes who opened up a can of worms.
Every single actor in this film gives a fantastic performance. Highlighted by Ruffalo as Rezendes. He pushes and pushes and gets emotionally involved.
Yes. it is a hard film to see. However it probably is the front runner for an Oscar. Would it get my vote for the Oscar? Probably not. Just because of the subject matter and I tend to lean toward less depressing films. Still....I am open minded enough to tell you...this is the frontrunner right now with Jenifer Lawrence's Joy. And Dicaprio's Revenant still to come.
If you want to see a really good film the harkens back to All The Presidents Men and good journalism go see this 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.

As always from the shadows thanks for your time,

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