Friday, November 20, 2015

New Film Review: The Night Before

Image result for the night before

Directed by Jonathan Levine
Screenplay by 5 People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Starring: Joesph Gordon-Levitt; Seth Rogan; Anthony Mackie; and Jillian Bell

On Christmas eve, three lifelong friends, two of whom are Jewish, spend the night in New York City looking for the Holy Grail of Christmas parties.

I will get to the point...except for the church scene, which you see in the trailer, this film is shockingly not funny. Sooooo flat. And as I noted it was written by 5 people!!!
The three leads are just too old to be behaving this way and they come across as pathetic and self absorbed. There is nothing there.
Michael Shannon as Mr Green the pot dealer is amazing in this movie!!!!! He steals the film. I would go as far as saying he give an Oscar worthy performance in a supporting role. He is that good...and yes Michael Shannon  is funny!!! Who would have thought????!!!!
Lizzie Caplan......James Franco....Jillian Bell...Mindy Kaling....Miley Cyrus (Yes that Miley Cyrus) are all really good and funny here in their short time on the screen. They get more laughs then the three leads. Problem is, the three leads are in every scene.
1 1/2 out of 5 for this disappointment. Save your money.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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