Monday, November 2, 2015

Monday Recommended: Before Sunrise-Before Sunset-Before Midnight

Image result for before sunrise

Directed by Richard Linklater
Starring Ethan Hawke And Julie Delpy

It Started With This In 1995


How did this work?! Two people meet on a train and spend time together walking and talking. It should not work but it does. Before IPhones.
It is just two likeable characters and a great director in Linklater. Add in, that all three...Delpy/Hawke/Linklater were all involved in the writing.
It is like a roadtrip film but on feet. Is it love? Or maybe just ships passing in the night? Either way in this moment of time and place they enjoy life.

Then 9 years later in 2004 they do it again!!


Yes Nine years later. In real time on the screen!! Yes...not as good as the first one. How could it be? Still, the chemistry is still there. Linklater is back directing and writing with help again from Hawke and Delpy with the screenplay. The film sucks you in.
Yes it has been nine years. Hawke's character Jesse has written a best selling book about their time together (Note Hawke is actually an author). And who stops in to visit at a book signing but Celine (Delpy).
Again it works. I think romanticizing the thought of meeting a stranger in a foreign country and being life long friends or maybe something more draws people in. Whatever it is... you have to love the film.

Then 9 years later in 2013!!


Again filmed nine years later in real time!!
Things have changed and this is the hardest to watch maybe. The conversations are heavier. More arguing. They are older and it seems the weight of life and issues of being pulled in many directions are sinking them. Though because of their chemistry it seems so real and almost raw.
Like most people I would rank this one 3...with Sunrise 1 and Sunset 2. Here you wish for their youth to come back. The bounce in their step. Still...I liked it.

It is a very good trilogy with a cult following.
And it starts with a boy and a girl on a train just taking a chance and a walk. Yes they plan on doing a fourth in 2022.

All three films are available form rent on Netflix.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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