Saturday, November 7, 2015

New Film Review: ROOM

Image result for room movie

Directed by Lenny Abrahamson
Screenplay and Novel by Emma Donahue
Starring: Brie Larson; Jacob Trembley; Joan Allen; and William H Macy

Mom (Larson) has been locked away in a shed for 6 years. Kidnapped. Jack (Trembley)  has been with his mom for 5 years in the shed in which he calls ROOM. After Jacks fifth birthday, Ma decides it is time to make a dangerous move to break away from their capture.

I waited about 24 hours to post this. Why? It is difficult when you hear such strong buzz about a film like this. I approach it afraid that I will automatically love it subconsciously just because everyone else does. Or I approach it trying to pick it apart a bit because in my head it cannot be as good as what people are saying. So now.....after 24 hours to sit on is ROOM!
The film is real good. It sounds like a depressing film, and at times it makes you feel almost claustrophobic., however it is far from depressing, it is full on inspiring. It shows you the power of never giving up, and nothing is as powerful as a mother fighting for her child and trying to keep him safe physically and emotionally.
 For Ma, there is the guilt and fear for what happens in ROOM and what is to come outside ROOM. A great performance by Larson. Sans makeup. Raw. Just the fear and love in her eyes.This is the best female lead performance of the year. It cannot be beat.
Then I come to Jacob Trembley who plays Jack. The film is on his shoulders. His little shoulders and he is amazing. He is in almost every scene. Watching him see WORLD and trying to deal with it (including stairs) is heartbreaking and exhilarating.
 What do you do with Jacob Trembley. He just gave the best male lead performance of the year. Now, do you put that on his little shoulders? I do not know. It is a very difficult decision the Academy has to make. Jacob is soooo good often just by watching, not saying a word.
Now for the movie itself. It is funny that I just noted in my Spectre review (Which is an awesome review I must say you should really read it!!) that 2 hours and 25 minutes is too long for a film not based on a book, and here this is based on a book and it is 2 hours and I felt it was too short. I felt once out of room we were rushed through little pieces of their lives in WORLD. I wanted more of Jack talking to grandma (Another great performance in this film by Joan Allen) about life in ROOM and his thoughts on looking back at ROOM. How Jack adapted to Friends. How Ma assimilated into her new world. I even wanted to know more about the female police officer. William H Macy as Grandfather came and went. I wanted the movie to slow down a bit. Maybe because the actors were so good I fell in love with them and I, as the viewer, grew attached, which again is saying a lot about the performances. I wanted more.

4 1/2 stars for ROOM. Trust is not as depressing as it sounds. Yes it can be sad, but it has you cheering and tearing and sometimes laughing.   Wiggle see it.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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