Saturday, August 8, 2015

Film review: Shaun The Sheep Movie

Image result for shaun the sheep movie

Directed and Screenplay by Mark Burton and Richard Starzak
Starring Well: Shaun Who Is A Sheep

Shaun the sheep is tired of doing the same work at the farm everyday. He decides to take a day off. In order to do that, he needs to make sure the farmer doesn't know. When more happens than they can handle, the sheep find their way in the big city. Now they need to get back to the farm.

SHAUN THE SHEEP IS ON THE LAMB. I just love that tag line!!!
This film was released in February in Europe. So my friends overseas this will seem like a review long in waiting.
Shaun the Sheep is very popular on TV in Europe and now Shaun gets his own film. It landed in the states this week.
Well, Inside Out has some Oscar competition.
It is laugh out loud funny in some parts, including an operating room scene and a jail scene.
That is all they want is to have a day off and it back fires!!!!
It is a silent film with no talking and it makes me wonder if kids will appreciate it. I think it may have enough action to keep them interested. However, like Inside Out, adults may get more jokes here than the children watching. The screenplay is well done.
Negatives: Well, I always think the Wallace And Gromits and Shaun The Sheeps are better in small doses. This film runs about 85 minutes and it still seems a little long.

Well, still, 4 stars out of 5 for Shaun The Sheep. Stay through the credits. Plus, love Shaun The Sheep song by Mark Thomas, it could be Oscar worthy. Also read the last bunch of lines of the made me laugh.

As always thanks for you time.

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