Saturday, August 8, 2015

New Film Review: The Gift

Image result for the gift

Directed and Screenplay by Joel Edgerton
Starring Jason Bateman; Rebecca Hall; and Joel Edgerton

A young married couple (Bateman and Hall) lives are thrown into a harrowing tailspin when they move back near Bateman's  town that he grew up in, only then to meet an acquaintance from the husband's past who loves to drop off gifts at the doorstep of their new home.

Secrets. It is all about secrets. I think back to the musical Wicked where they take the Wizard Of Oz and spin it and what you thought you knew or see may not be what it appears. This is The Gift.

First we are introduced to the house. The new house. The realtor says..."Nice lighting". Well it is dark and shiny and open with glass walls ("People who live in glass houses should not throw stones"). The mood is set by that house. So Matthew Floyd Ferguson gets a shout out. He is the set director. The house maybe the main character in the film.
For those who did not see Parades End let me introduce you to Rebecca Hall. Though we all know Jason Bateman, Rebecca Hall is the star of this film. She makes it work. She knows something is happening. She has fear in her eyes. Knowledge in her eyes. Compassion in her eyes. Knowing in her eyes. Perfectly cast as the confused wife Robyn. You, as the viewer, are her. You are as confused as she is, but wanting to know more.
Jason Bateman. You go back to Juno and you remember he can be smarmy. In fact if you think about him in his comedies he usually plays the funny, dry, smarmy guy. So with that he is perfectly cast.
Joel Edgerton's Screenplay is perfectly toned. Filled with suspense. Keeps you on the edge until the crazy ending. He also stars in this film he directed as Gordo the man from the past who is kind but creepy. I do think this may have a shot at being a nominee for best original screenplay. It comes off a little bit as a stage play.
Negatives. Not sure if I liked the ending but it went there and it worked. I also think a little editing is needed, it did seem long at 110 minutes.
Still....what a story. Disturbing in many ways.
4 stars out of 5 for The Gift, well worth a look.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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